Sunday, August 24, 2014

Python slows down MySQL task, in a good way

Another day to learn how Python helps my job. This time Python helps slowing down MySQL task.

We needed to delete a large number of rows from a MySQL table without interrupting the service. Without going into the details of how the approach was determined, I was asked to repeatedly delete a small number of rows from a MySQL table, followed by sleeping some time.

I searched the web and found the following useful links:
So I wrapped the database operations in the MySQL class:
class MySQL:
def __init__(self):
self.connector = mysql.connector.connect(
port='20033', # tunnel to server
self.cursor = self.connector.cursor()
def delete(self, num_rows):
t1 =
query = ('SELECT id FROM events WHERE source_id=3651 LIMIT {}'.
ids = tuple(chain.from_iterable(self.cursor.fetchall()))
actual_rows = len(ids)
if actual_rows > 0:
query = 'DELETE FROM events WHERE id in {}'.format(
ids if actual_rows > 1 else '({})'.format(ids[0]))
t2 =
print 'delete {} rows took {} seconds'.format(
actual_rows, (t2-t1).total_seconds())
return actual_rows == rows
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
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The constructor __init__() calls mysq.connector.connect() to connect to MySQL server. The user and password are used to login to the database server. The host and port specify the location of the database. I forward my local port 20033 to a remote database server, so the connection was made to localhost at port 20033. This is one-off script so I hard-coded the parameters.

The database connection is closed in the __exit__() method. And I instantiate the class by Python's "with" statement to ensure the database connection is closed at the end. Detailed discussion about the with statement can be found in this article.

The database deletion is done in the delete() method. Database operation is performed by passing a string containing the SQL statement to Cursor.execute(). The result of the database operation can be accessed through the Cursor. My first database operation is query for a set of ids. I fetched all results and store them in a Python tuple using the following command:
ids = tuple(chain.from_iterable(self.cursor.fetchall()))

The second database operation deletes rows using the ids from the previous query. I tried the following SQL statement:
query = 'DELETE FROM relay_event WHERE id in {}'.format(ids)
This works except when ids contains only one element. A tuple with one element has a training comma to ensure it's not mistaken as the element enclosed by parenthesis. But SQL sees the trailing comma as syntax error. So I remove the trailing comma from a single element tuple before passing it to SQL:
actual_rows = len(ids)
ids if actual_rows > 1 else '({})'.format(ids[0])

MySQL.delete() returns a boolean indicating if some rows were deleted.

The main program instantiates MySQL, and repeatedly call MySQL.delete() and sleep(), until MySQL.delete() can't find any row to delete:

  with MySQL() as mySQL:
    more_to_delete = mySQL.delete(rows)
    while more_to_delete:
      more_to_delete = mySQL.delete(rows)

That's all coding needed. The following is everything put together:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import datetime
import mysql.connector
from itertools import chain
import time
class MySQL:
def __init__(self):
self.connector = mysql.connector.connect(
port='20033', # tunnel to server
self.cursor = self.connector.cursor()
def delete(self, num_rows):
t1 =
query = ('SELECT id FROM events WHERE source_id=3651 LIMIT {}'.
ids = tuple(chain.from_iterable(self.cursor.fetchall()))
actual_rows = len(ids)
if actual_rows > 0:
query = 'DELETE FROM events WHERE id in {}'.format(
ids if actual_rows > 1 else '({})'.format(ids[0]))
t2 =
print 'delete {} rows took {} seconds'.format(
actual_rows, (t2-t1).total_seconds())
return actual_rows == rows
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
if __name__ == '__main__':
rows = 1000
sleep_seconds = 5
with MySQL() as mySQL:
more_to_delete = mySQL.delete(rows)
while more_to_delete:
more_to_delete = mySQL.delete(rows)
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With the 5 seconds sleep time we used, it took more than 24 hours to execute the script. To avoid interruption by loss of connection, the script was run in a GNU screen window. Over a weekend, the script slowly but steadily deleted over 32 million rows without service interruption.